Book Review: Drinking with My Dog: The Canine Lover’s Cocktail Book

Book Review: Drinking with My Dog: The Canine Lover’s Cocktail Book

There are certainly moments when drinking alone in solitude is a blissful thing. However, sometimes it’s equally enjoyable to have a loyal companion of the non-human sort quietly hanging around, relaxing next to your favorite chair, couch, or fireplace with unwavering loyalty.

Such a celebration of dogs is the guiding concept behind Natalie Bovis’ book, which excels at presenting anecdotes, historical storytelling, and paying tribute to our canine pals. At over 100+ pages and with 60+ cocktails, there’s a wide variety of options for consideration. Bovis’ informal and relaxed tone is immersive and filled with fun facts and historical tidbits. It almost makes the reader forget the real reason behind the book: cocktail recipes.

There are plenty of recipes here lending an air of familiarity, a definite plus in lowering the bar to welcome aspiring mixologists of all skill levels. For advanced cocktail practitioners, there are still a few recipes worth exploring, even if you aren’t a dog owner. And if you aren’t already a dog owner, this book will certainly try its very best to establish a compelling case as to why you ought to be one.

If there’s one minor fault to be had here, it’s how things are organized: recipes established around canine topics, rather than cocktail types, make remembering the location of that one recipe that caught your eye a bit of a challenge. It’s best to have some post-it notes on hand for bookmarking.

This is not the sort of book one reaches for when looking to construct a cocktail of high complexity and obscure ingredients, nor is it a reference book to call on when in a pinch. However, Drinking With My Dog is certainly one of the more charming cocktail recipe books recently published.


Drinking with My Dog: The Canine Lover’s Cocktail Book




Rob Theakston is a contributing editor to Drinkhacker.

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