Review: Ninkasi Steady Orbit Grounded IPA

Review: Ninkasi Steady Orbit Grounded IPA


Ninkasi’s latest, Steady Orbit, is a low-abv session IPA meant to invoke a “feeling of escape, exploration, and a sense of accomplishment” — without much booze in the mix. Flavored with Mosaic, Amarillo, Citra, and Galaxy hops, it drinks more boldly than expected, with a big punch of lemon peel and orange peel, bitter roots, fresh-cut grass, and a finish of dried flowers. It definitely doesn’t drink like a session beer, with a rich and immersive body that never once comes across as short on flavor. It’s clearly a go-to if you’re on the hunt for a quality session IPA.

4.5% abv.

A- / $9 per six-pack /

Ninkasi Steady Orbit Grounded IPA




Christopher Null is the founder and editor in chief of Drinkhacker. A veteran writer and journalist, he also operates Null Media, a bespoke content creation company.

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