Review: The Traveler Beer Co. Jolly Traveler Winter Shandy

Review: The Traveler Beer Co. Jolly Traveler Winter Shandy

The good folks at The Traveler Beer Company present the latest in their limited edition line of shandies with Jolly Traveler Winter Shandy — a self-described “cheerful wheat beer” taking inspiration from aromas commonly associated with the holiday season. Surprisingly absent are the notes of nutmeg, dark fruits, and rye bread commonly found in holiday beers; instead they are substituted with light notes of orange and pomegranate up front. The real pleasure is in the baked cinnamon apples and faint pinch of ginger in the finish, which lingers gently for a rather long time. It’s a solid alternative to the usually bloated offerings found this time of year — like your Nana’s cooking or your uncle’s unsolicited political opinions.

4.4% abv.

A- / $7 per six-pack /

The Traveler Beer Co. Jolly Traveler Winter Shandy




Rob Theakston is a contributing editor to Drinkhacker.


  1. Fran McMahan on January 11, 2018 at 10:12 pm

    My husband and I tasted this beer (on tap) at Busch Gardens Christmas Town in Williamsburg, Va. I’m not a real beer drinker but I LOVE the taste of this beer/shandy. Could not find it in my county but fortunately my husband found it in the city/town where he works-Chapel Hill, NC-a college town.

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