Recipes: Christmas and Holiday Cocktails, 2016
It’s been quite a long year for most folks. With the end of 2016 barrelling down on us, hopefully the world will finally allow the reprieve for which most of us have patiently waited and along with it, a moment’s peace. Let us all take a few moments this season to count our good fortunes, and maybe sip a cocktail or two along the way. Happy Holidays from all of us here at Drinkhacker.
The Gingerbread Man
2 oz. vanilla vodka
1/2 oz. gingerbread syrup
2 oz. half and half
dash of nutmeg
dash of cinnamon
dash of ground ginger
rim of crushed gingersnap cookies, brown sugar and molasses
Combine gingerbread syrup, half and half, vanilla vodka with a dash of nutmeg, cinnamon, and ground ginger. Rim the glass with crushed gingersnap cookies, brown sugar and molasses.
Cold Turkey
1 oz. Charbay Blood Orange vodka
1 oz. Maurin Red Vermouth
1/2 oz. cranberry Douglas Fir syrup
1 oz cranberry juice
1 oz orange juice
4 oz chai tea
Assemble all ingredients together and steam with espresso wand until hot.
NOTE: Should you find yourself without cranberry Douglas Fir syrup, you can make this without and it will be just fine. Less earthy, but fine.
Pomegranate Punch
1 orange, thinly sliced crosswise
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds
1 apple, diced
2 cups Sauvignon Blanc, chilled
2 cups pomegranate juice, chilled
1/4 cup apple balsamic vinegar (or white Balsamic vinegar)
4 bottles Strongbow Cherry Blossom Cider, chilled
Combine wine, pomegranate juice and Strongbow in a large pitcher or punch bowl. Add fruit and vinegar and stir to combine. Ladle the punch and fruit into smaller ice filled glasses.
Holiday Ornament (not meant for the tree!)
1 1/2 oz. Baileys Original
1 oz. vodka
1-2 oz. heavy cream
2 dashes peppermint extract
honey for ornament rim
crushed candy canes for rim
mini candy cane for garnish
Combine Baileys, vodka, heavy cream and peppermint extract into a cocktail shaker with ice. Shake Well. Line the rim of clear ornament with honey and dip into crushed candy cane pieces. Funnel contents from shaker into ornament. Garnish with mini candy cane.
NOTE: You totally can do this in a glass. It’s fine.
Salt & Char Yule Nog
(Yields 12 glasses)
6 eggs, separated
1 cup milk
1 cup cream
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 teaspoons white sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
pinch cinnamon
pinch kosher salt
6 oz. cognac
1 oz. jagertee
orange and nutmeg to garnish
Mix egg yolks and brown sugar. Slowly add in milk and cream. Add vanilla, salt, white sugar, cinnamon, cognac and jagertee. Whip egg whites then fold into liquid mixture. Serve in chilled glass. Top with orange zest and nutmeg.