Review: Courvoisier Gold Cognac Liqueur

Review: Courvoisier Gold Cognac Liqueur

Courvoisier is at the forefront of the taking Cognac into new markets, with brandy-and-wine blends like Courvoisier Rose. Now the company is back at it with Courvoisier Gold, a blend of Cognac and Moscato wine.

This actually sounds like a great idea — the brisk orange of the Moscato enhancing the citrus notes in the Cognac. In theory, anyway.

Alas, the theory didn’t really pan out this time. The nose of Gold is mild and innocuous, and the body brings out the constituent components of the concoction. Unfortunately, those components just don’t work together. The Moscato wine is understated and doesn’t offer much flavor, just a vague sense of something fruity that approaches apple juice, straight out of the juice box. This is spiked with a touch of Cognac — at just 18% alcohol, there’s really not much brandy in the mix — but it’s not enough to do much to the wine. A hint of vanilla is really all you get — and it turns out to be not very complementary to the Moscato in the end.

If you do try this product, be sure to have it chilled (as the company recommends). Served at room temperature, it’s tepid and raw. Chilled or with ice, at least you can have your apple juice the way God intended.

36 proof.

D+ / $25 /

Courvoisier Gold Cognac Liqueur




Christopher Null is the founder and editor in chief of Drinkhacker. A veteran writer and journalist, he also operates Null Media, a bespoke content creation company.


  1. Bob on October 7, 2012 at 7:55 am

    That sounds more like a regular fortified wine. Maybe a bit more interesting, but not something I could see myself drinking more than once. I guess they’re trying to jump on the Moscato bandwagon, too.

  2. Apostolis on October 19, 2012 at 6:20 am

    Courvoisier tried to imitate the basic recipe of Metaxa wich includes distilled wines from Greek grape varieties mixed with Muscat wine from the island of Samos (Vin Doux). However, Metaxa ia brandy with muscat wine, not the opposite as it happens with Courvoisier Gold, so that it is much smoother. That is enhanced by the aromas Metaxa brandy has acquired by the aging process and the recipe of herbs that make Metaxa more unique.

  3. Christopher Null on October 19, 2012 at 8:00 am

    Interesting theory. This doesn’t taste anything like Metaxa.

  4. Susan on February 21, 2013 at 7:44 pm

    It is sweet; what is a good mixer – seltzer?

  5. Disgusting on May 27, 2013 at 9:20 am

    Just some garbage marketed towards the urban hip hop crowd, known for their baffling love of cloyingly sweet wines and whichever cognac the rappers are talking about these days.

  6. Mr. Ged on February 17, 2016 at 6:29 pm

    Everybody is entitled to their own opinion about in life but as soon as you make an issue for from race of culture a black and white thing, then you truly show your ignorance and lack of intellectual dialog. Now on the topic of Courvoisier Gold I give it 2 thumbs up, I’m a crown royal consumer not giving anything else much of a chance but this I will incorporate into my selection

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