Review: Deschutes Brewery Twilight Summer Ale (2010)

Review: Deschutes Brewery Twilight Summer Ale (2010)

Is it summer already? Well, no, but it’s close enough, at least for summer beer.

Deschutes’ Twilight is considerably more hoppy than I thought it would be — the summer tagline said sweet and crisp to me, but this is a more bitter, full-bodied experience. The result is a more complex brew than you might be expecting, though one that is still relatively simple and pretty refreshing. Don’t go looking for the answers to the riddles of the universe in it, though.

5.3% abv.

B+ / $9 per six-pack /

Deschutes Brewery Twilight Summer Ale (2010)




Christopher Null is the founder and editor in chief of Drinkhacker. A veteran writer and journalist, he also operates Null Media, a bespoke content creation company.


  1. Mutineer Magazine on May 26, 2010 at 1:34 pm

    Just tried this last night and I really liked it. It was super refreshing and made me want to get outside and starting mowing some lawns! … if I had a lawn that is.

    The blog is looking great, keep it up!

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