Review: Tequila Ocho Plata Rancho Los Corrales 2010
Review: Tequila Ocho Plata Rancho Los Corrales 2010
Tequila Ocho continues its quest to turn in single estate, vintage-dated tequilas, and recently it has launched the first of its 2010 line, this one from Rancho Los Corrales.
This is a distinctly subdued tequila. Compared to the 2009 Rancho Las Pomez, which is also still available, it’s a quiet, brooding beast. On the nose, it’s straight up agave, and red chile notes. But in the mouth the tequila settles into its creamy body, with a very rich texture but a mild bite that hints at sweet cream while reminding you this is definitely tequila. Black pepper picks up in the finish, with a warming, agave-infused character to bring it all together.
Surprisingly complex and different than most modern blancos, this 100% agave spirit offers a bit of a challenge to the tequila drinker, who may be used to something much more pungent.
80 proof.
Happy Cinco de Mayo, y’all!