Super-Cheap Winepod on the Way
The Winepod gizmo I used to create my own Chateau de Null may no longer be for sale — a victim of the recession that made $4,500 DIY wine urns a tough sell — but former CEO Greg Snell has a new trick up his sleeve: A $500, stripped-down version that might put (easier) home winemaking in the reach of just about everyone:
“The initial idea was to enable anyone to be a winemaker by creating a teaching system with everything necessary to make wine like a professional,” says Snell. Although the miniature version of the Winepod will make smaller quantities of wine and will be made of cheaper materials (no sleek stainless steel this time around) than the original, Snell says the idea is the same — to allow anyone to crush, ferment and age their own grapes in an all-in-one machine. Unlike the pricey Winepod, the new iteration will sell for less than $500.
We’re on it when/if this comes to market. Should be fun for the entire family.
Have you heard anything new regarding the new version?