Review: Tequila Ocho Single Estate Reposado 2009
When last we visited Tequila Ocho we sampled the bottler’s 2008 and 2009 “single estate” tequilas, comparing two silver tequilas side by side. Today we turn to the 2009 reposado expression.
Also from the Rancho Las Pomez Estate, this reposado is aged for 8 weeks and 8 days (which, I guess, is the same as 9 weeks and 1 day, but wouldn’t match up with the “Ocho” motif). That’s the minimum amount of time allowed by Mexican law, and frankly I think this reposado would benefit from a little more time in oak.
Lighter in color and flavor, this reposado has picked up only hints of oak from its barrel time, leaving the agave character the strongest portion of the spirit. This, according to the company, is intentional, as it strives to retain that agave flavor as much as possible. Here the oak doesn’t come across so much as vanilla-like (as it typical in aged tequila) but more buttery, with a very creamy mouthfeel and a good slug of vegetal agave character on the finish.
This reposado benefits from some aeration and loses some of its heat after a few minutes opening up in the glass, at which point some light honey and lemon notes develop. Some cinnamon in there too. Lots of fun if you have patience with it; definitely a worthwhile tequila!
80 proof.
Still amazed at how much the average price of tequila has risen in the last year. Used to be that even the good stuff didn’t go much past $50. Now I regularly see $100 bottles on shelves.
Where can I purchase a case of this Tequila Ocho? I live in Wyandotte, Michigan 48192. I’d like to order by mail if possible. Or will pick it up, if close enough.
e-mail [email protected]
Please let me know where I can get this brand.