Review: Ruskova Select Vodka

Review: Ruskova Select Vodka

Here’s the sell: Authentic Russian vodka, distilled six times, ten bucks a bottle.

Though I can’t find it near me for less than $11, Ruskova is an amazing deal. The company is trying to sell the spirit as a premium product at a bare-bones price, and it’s true. This is a very clean vodka that’s great with mixers and even on its own, straight from the freezer.

80 proof, it’s a chewy, bread-like vodka with distinct flavors of grain. It’s medicinal on the finish but still very pleasant. I found this vodka to go down amazingly easily, with none of the bitterness and gut-punching that you get with really cheap spirits. It’s not going to blow your socks off, but tasted blind you’ll undoubtedly rank it higher than at least a few bottles at twice the price or more. Was I surprised? You bet, but if you’re going to make (or drink) any inexpensive spirit, vodka’s the one to pick.

Some may complain that Ruskova is too medicinal. Your mileage may vary, but for 11 bucks you can probably afford to experiment.

80 proof.

B+ / $11

Ruskova Select Vodka




Christopher Null is the founder and editor in chief of Drinkhacker. A veteran writer and journalist, he also operates Null Media, a bespoke content creation company.


  1. Anonymous on March 4, 2011 at 4:22 pm

    Ruskova is a very good vodka and I purchased @ $9.99 and was given a $5.00 MAIL IN REBATE off the selling price = $4.99 after rebate.

    A Vodka Drinker

  2. VF on June 3, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    My fiance bought this for me. I liked the taste, so I assumed it was a good vodka, but I always got a 24 hour hangover, even after one drink. Brands like Three Olives never give me a hangover.

  3. sandy rogers on December 16, 2011 at 2:27 pm

    Rebate is a sham

  4. sandy rogers on December 16, 2011 at 2:28 pm

    rebates a sham

  5. sandy rogers on December 16, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    Let me say I sent my paper work in 2 months ago and have not received anything yet which added another 44 cents to the cost.Decent Vodka for the price but irritated about wast of time and cost of trying to get a lousy $5.00 . rather just paid and be done with it ,and would not have a negative veiw about this product .

  6. Bob on January 25, 2012 at 8:12 am

    Back in September I purchased two bottles for $31.98 with a $25 mail in rebate. As of January 1, 2012 I had not received the rebate and assumed I had been ripped off. I went online and discovered that a lot of people were of the same opinion. Anson Imports posted a rebuttal saying they were having computer problems or some such thing and suggested anyone waiting could call or email them and they would respond with the status of it. I emailed them and the next day I received an email back where they apologized and said the $25 check was in the mail that day. I did receive it 5 days later postmarked the day they said it was going out. I am not sure I would have received it had I not written them but at least I did get it. As for the Vodka, it was so long ago I do not remember what it tasted like but I would give it another try if I saw it for sale in the $10-$12 orice range

  7. John on February 8, 2012 at 7:20 am

    I went to by a bottle of Smirnoff and he guy at the cash register recommended a bottle of Ruskova based on quality and price. I always keep my vodka in the freezer. When I went to the freezer to make a drink, the Ruskova vodka was nearly completely frozen. Not good. It guess it’s because the 40 proof the label says, is not true. It also has a slightly dirty after taste.

  8. Ian on November 23, 2014 at 7:50 pm

    I’ve done two blind taste tests against Russian Standard. This one has won 1:2, and I’ve had to qualify both by “by a hair”.

    That’s pretty much all that needs to be said.

    Also, for hangovers: I’ve had a few hangovers on this vodka, but I’ve earned each and every one of them. I’m guessing it’s a person-dependent thing, since none of my other friends have expressed complaints about undue hangovers, and I recommend this vodka to pretty much everyone I meet.

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