Review: On the Rocks Spring Water Ice
Review: On the Rocks Spring Water Ice
Yes, this is a review of a bag of ice. No, it’s not ice made out of diamonds and pixie dust, it’s just ice. From water.
And yes, I was skeptical too. Premium ice? At $4 a bag, On the Rocks is about four times as pricey as your average supermarket ice. But the company has a compelling story that might make you consider buying a bag.
First off: According to On the Rocks, supermarket ice has no FDA oversight. Who knows what you’re really getting in those thin bags. On the Rocks is made from spring water, follows the FDA requirements for bottled water, and comes in a tough, tamper-resistant plastic bag that won’t rip when you heft it out of your trunk. It’s also resealable… not that that helps if your significant other instead rips it open from the bottom.
Of course, the big sell here is taste: If you spend a lot of money on super-premium spirits, then drop a few ice cubes in, what might you be doing to the subtle flavor of the drink? Appearance is another selling point. Though On the Rocks cubes have a somewhat unnatural cylindrical shape with a hole in the middle, they are much nicer looking than both the irregular chunks you get with supermarket ice and far better than the awkward crescents that come out of your refrigerator’s ice maker. But best of all, the ice is frosty looking in the freezer, but once it gets wet it’s totally clear, which makes for a very attractive presentation for rocks drinks.
The flavor is as pure as promised. I have tried it in cocktails and even melted a few cubes (they melt slowly) to drink the water straight. It’s as totally flavorless as water gets, which is perfect. If your local tap water has a funky smell or is heavily chlorinated, you’ll probably do well to keep a bag of On the Rocks ice stashed in your freezer. It’s not something you need to use all the time; but it’s quite striking for special occasions. One bag goes an awfully long way.
The ice is currently only on sale in a few specialty shops in New England. Check the website for new additions.
A / $4 per five-pound bag