Review: Chopin Vodka
You’re a famous 19th century composer. What are the odds that someone is going to take your good name and turn it into a vodka 150 years later?
Well, someone did: Polmos Siedlce and Millennium Import, of Minneapolis, Minnesota.
The connection is Poland, where Chopin lived and vodka was (allegedly) born. Chopin is a traditional potato vodka, from Polish potatoes. Despite the fancy, frosted glass bottle, it has a very traditional flavor for potato vodkas, too. Light up front, a tiny bit sweet as you sip, then medicinal on the finish. Not a lot of nuance, here, but certainly something you could drink in a martini or a cocktail. I don’t recommend it straight, really.
80 proof.
What? I stop in to see what’s up at DrinkHacker, and this is what I’m rewarded with?
You give Level 42 an A-… you give some vodka you describe as “sweet” a B+… and Chopin only rates a B?
Chopin is the smoothest vodka I’ve ever had. It is absolutely excellent chilled with ice. Drop a twist or an olive into it and you’ll miss its exceptionally clean flavor. (And for God’s sake, get OVER the “dirty martini,” already.)
I can forgive you for not knowing that the so-called Millennium Import Company is actually a front operation for Moet-Hennessy, the same group that brought us the woefully overrated Belvedere. But I can’t forgive your bad taste. Why bars keep stocking Belvedere when this gem is available is beyond me.
I can only assume you were hung over.
A B isn’t bad. It’s perfectly palatable. But there’s much better out there, including, yes, Level 42. Try Tito’s.
Tito’s is the only vodka that makes me sick every single time I drink it, regardless of the amount. It’s overly sweet and doesn’t even blend well cause of it’s corn base distillate. Chopin is way better, IMHO. I read that Tito’s has the highest # of impurities in testing somewhere, which lines up with my personal experiences with it.
I, too, actually give Chopin a slight edge over Tito’s, at least for just drinking over ice. Tito’s is better for mixed drinks or for making infusions/flavored vodkas (and it is cheap enough – $18 – that I can experiment without much risk).
Both of those vodkas made 3Luxe’s top three ranking though (link: I have yet to try Square One to see how it measures up, however.
I am now curious about polish potato vodkas as I am allergic to wheat and am going to try and stay gluten-free. I love grey goose but it doesn’t love me. I am going to try Chopin but I hear its even more pricey then GG. What’s a potato vodka girl to do??
kathy – If you’re game to try an American potato vodka, Blue Ice is the least expensive potato-based vodka that I’ve tried, at just $18 or so a bottle –
I too need a gluten free diet. I’ve tried Chopin as an alternative to my favorite Grey Goose and I think it’s the closest to GG that I’ve found. Blue Ice reminds me of Chiroc, very much a rubbing alcohol taste, not what I like.
Only reason I don’t drink Chopin more often is the cost, some stores charge 25% more than GG. Most places I used to find it in NYC the prices were similar for both, around $30 for 750ml. Only place I’ve found it where I live now in FL now wants $40 for 750ml, and they sell GG for $28 for 750ml. Strange.
OK you got your Gray Goose, Ciroc, Chopin, Ketel One, etc. etc.. For best value I think Fris is a number 1, Tito’s is a close second but Fris has almost the quality at a much lower (yes it’s true) price. For true quality the best vodka I have tasted to date is Imperia by Russian Standard. In addition to it’s great taste, soft and mild with enough crispness to know your drinking vodka, is the fact that it’s manufactured by Russian Standard. RS is a company that does two things, make vodka and operates the largest retail bank in Russia. It’s true, it’s true. What a combo: make a loan and have a drink.
correct me if im wrong. i am a big fan of chopin vodka and i think its a vodka better than gray goose. Since goose is distilled from congic and manufactured by baccariti does that mean it’s not 100% vodka, while chopin vodka is made by pure potatos grown in poland, would that make chopin a more better vodka than goose?
Wow… only a B? I love this vodka. It’s sippable and subtle with a slight sweetness to it. I love it shaken with ice and then served with a couple of olives or onions. But a B? Really? Hmmm….
Participated in some taste tests and Chopin always finishes at or close to the top. Don’t mistake bite and a medicinal quality with “character” in other vodkas. A disappointing review.
B??? lol
I’m quite disappointed as well.
I could understand not giving a A+ , but a B?
But I’ve had GG, Ketel One, Tito’s many a times, and yes I’ve picked up a bottle of Level 42. They are all a clear step behind Chopin.
I don’t doubt there is better vodka, but you’d be paying big time.
I have yet to find a serious vodka drinker disagree – to each your own
Best compliment ever about Chopin – “tastes like water”
i’ve had Chopin vodka and have considered it the best i’ve ever tried straight (from the freezer) or in a martini. This is as top shelf as top shelf can be.
i have 12 (yes 12 ) vodka’s on hand at my bar, the ones i need to replenish the most often are “Russian Standard ” and “chopin”.