Review: Pyramid Snow Cap Ale (2007)
Another holiday beer, this one a spin on a traditional brown ale, but overloaded with hoppiness. The dark brown “winter warmer” is certainly rich, giving off a nice aroma of chocolate and caramel malts… but an overpowering bitterness wipes the sweetness away once it hits your lips. It’s not a hard beer to drink by any means, but I’m prone to move on to other bottlings after sipping just one of these.
7% abv.
B / $7 per six-pack
This was my favorite seasonal brew in ’07 — hope its out again in ’08.
Hey, it’s great to see a site with linkbacks turned on. Thanks!
I had this beer several years ago and at the time it was not my favorite. I tried it again this year and to may surprise I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. It is however, not my favorite winter seasonal but it certainly is drinkable.
If you want to see my review of this beer, then check out the link in comment #2.